Dead Space Wiki

Project: Logs is a community project initiated by Cheesy Snake in 2008. The aim of this project is to catalogue and transcribe all logs in Dead Space franchise to provide a hand reference and background information where required.

How to contribute[]

First off, a list of each chapter's logs will be placed on Logs using Template:Log to create an index of sorts. From there, clicking on the created red link will take you a new page for the log to go on.

Place Template:LogInfo on the page, following the instructions on that page, and fill in the blanks. Don't forget to preview your work and make sure it looks okay. Make sure the "chapternumber" field is filled out with just the number of the chapter (i.e 1, 2, 3, etc) so that the log will be categorised properly. If you're starting a previously uncollated chapter, you may have to create the Chapter log category for it (for example Category:Chapter 1 Logs).

If you run into difficulty, or want to ask a question about the project, contact an administrator and ask away.
