Dead Space Wiki presents its collection of wallapapers available to everyone in the wiki and outside. Feel the need to make your personal page more "cheerful"? Just add the ID to your template page and purge your cache to see the changes!
Think you got an interesting wallpaper that you would like to share with? Just follow the following guidelines and the Administration Team will, after a community vote, add them to the wiki's internal workings! To submit a wallpaper, do so HERE!
Wallpaper guidelines!
- Wallpaper must be at least 1680 x 800. To further clarify, it should be at least 1680 pixels wide and 800 pixels long.
- Wallpaper must be appropriate to the Mature rating.
- Wallpaper must be related to Dead Space franchise and of good quality.
- Recommended file size for wallpapers should be 1MB maximum.
List of wallpapers
All wallpapers are copyrighted to each respective party.