Dead Space Wiki

"Just... following... orders..."
—Victor to Gabe as he commits suicide with a grenade[1]

Colonel Victor "Vic" Bartlett was a security officer on Titan Station who acted as Gabe Weller's superior. He was the main human antagonist of Dead Space 2: Severed.


Little was known about Victor prior to the outbreak beyond his role as the leader of Security Team Alpha[2] as well as its only survivor at the introduction of Severed.

Action on the Sprawl[]

The first to reach the surface after escaping from the mines, Victor urged Gabe to escape before he was overrun by the Necromorphs. On his way to the surface, Gabe overheard the order that was given by Hans Tiedemann to eliminate the "key subjects" on the station. He contacted Victor about the orders and received Victor's help in reaching his wife, Lexine. Victor told Gabe that he would pick him up in a shuttle on the surface and take him straight to the hospital.

Gabe reached the surface and Victor attacked him in a gunship. He told Gabe that he only attacked him because Lexine was on the list of the key subjects to be terminated and he did not want him to interfere. After Gabe damaged his gunship, Victor went to the Medical Center in the hopes of reaching Lexine first.

Victor monitored Gabe's RIG conversations with Lexine, who was hiding in the ravaged hospital. Victor tried repeatedly to discourage Gabe's rescue effort by revealing information on Gabe and Lexine's status within the "Oracle Program", which involved the importance of Lexine's pregnancy to EarthGov. Victor ended up reaching her first by locking onto her signal. He successfully captured Lexine moments before he was incapacitated by two Oracles, who kidnapped her, claiming they were following orders from a higher authority than Tiedemann. Victor was left unconscious on the floor of the hospital's asylum with his RIG blinking red.

During Gabe's attempt to hack into the shuttle bay doors to allow Lexine to escape in their shuttle, a wounded Victor reappeared with the left side of his face badly damaged. Likely driven mad by the Marker, he tried to commit suicide with a grenade and take Gabe with him, but only mortally wounded him. As a result of his proximity to the blast, Victor was instantly killed.

Death Scene[]

When Gabe was grabbed by Victor as he pulled the pin on a live grenade, they would fight for control of the explosive in a quick-time event. If the player failed the quick-time event, Victor would place Gabe in a headlock and they both died in the grenade blast. If the player was quick enough, they could catch Victor's smile as the camera zoomed in on his and Gabe's faces before the grenade exploded.


  • When he appeared carrying Lexine away from the Oracles, Victor was aiming a Plasma Cutter at them rather than the Pulse Rifle that he was carrying previously.
  • On the right chestplate of Bartlett's cuirass in-game was a nameplate with the words "K. Wilson" on it, leading to speculation that this was not originally his armor, but was salvaged from this "Wilson" individual. Another plausible reason was that K. Wilson was his original name before being changed by Visceral Games, who failed to change nameplate in the final version due to oversight.
  • In Dead Space 3, after you exit the elevator in the first chapter and get shot at by Danik's men, there is an EarthGov soldier on his knees. As Isaac gets dragged near Danik, you can see the soldier model is the same as Victor Bartlett.


