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死亡空间 系列的主角艾萨克·克拉克(Isaac Clarke)是协和矿业开发公司属下的一名舰船工程师。 在第二次神盾VII事件期间,他是USG Kellion 派往 USG 石村号 调查其通讯失联原因的紧急维修小队成员之一。成为了灾难唯一的幸存者,艾萨克被困在太空很久,直到被一艘地球政府的飞船发现。


多年后,他仍然是创造与毁灭信标的关键。并且暴露在Brethren Moons前时再度经历了癫狂的影响。



艾萨克出生于2461年,与父母一起生活在美洲东北部海岸区,父亲保罗·克拉克是飞船设计师,母亲 奥克塔维亚·克拉克是统一教徒。艾萨克与母亲度过了大部分童年时光,父亲因为长期外派工作所以艾萨克对他了解甚少。[2] 艾萨克跟父亲一样接受了电子与机械工程的教育,并被一所著名的工程学院录取。不幸的是他无力支付学费,因为他的母亲花费大量积蓄购买了统一教的受赐者位阶。


尽管经济困难,艾萨克仍以优异的成绩从一所次级院校毕业,成为了一名飞船工程师。几年后他报名参加了商船队,向上级证明了自己在工程领域的能力。艾萨的上级对他的进步印象深刻,将他提拔到了一个靠近主航道的职位。[2] 在某个不确定的时间点,艾萨克曾在石村号上工作过。[3] 他的职业生涯自此多年停滞不前,艾萨克开始与妮可·布伦南同居,随后妮可被派往石村号


2508年,艾萨克自愿加入了隶属于USG凯利昂号的应急响应小队。小队被派往USG石村号。最近的报告称神盾7的轨道进行非法行星裂解任务。小队的任务是调查石村号发出的求救信号[4] ,并找出所有通信中断的原因。凯利昂号号抵达后试图呼叫石村号船员取得联系,但收到的只有静态信息。当凯利昂号试图在石村号上着陆时,穿梭机因对接程序故障而严重受损,被迫迫降在着陆舱内。由于紧急迫降,凯利昂号失去了助推器。



由于大多数船员死亡或被转化为尸变体,英勇号失去了控制,随后猛烈地撞上了石村号。艾萨克等人试图取回英勇号奇点核心时,哈蒙德被强化兽化者杀死。返回石村号时,科学家Terrence Kyne博士联系了艾萨克,他计划通过穿梭机将信标3A带回到下面的殖民地






After drifting for an unknown amount of time, Isaac's shuttle's distress signal was picked up by the Pleasure Cruise, later to be retrieved by Recovery Patrol X22376 commanded by Captain Maxmillian Reinhardt. Captain Reinhardt was suspicious, while 2nd-in-command Xander Sklar wanted to find an exposure. They plotted their course to pick up the shuttle.


DeadSpace 2 - Dementia


Three years after the Second Aegis VII incident, Isaac was confined to an asylum on the Sprawl, and was diagnosed with dementia, post-traumatic stress disorder and amnesia. Due to a combination of his coma and memory-erasing medication, Isaac was unable to remember the past three years or how he had ended up on the Sprawl. When a Necromorph infestation suddenly ravaged the Sprawl, Isaac was freed by Franco Delille and was forced to make his way to a woman called Daina, who was Franco's superior. Daina claimed that she could cure Clarke's dementia, which was allegedly killing him by degrees. Left with no choice, Isaac made his way to Daina, surviving encounters with Necromorphs, insane survivors and Earth Government troops ordered to kill him, led by the Titan Station Director Hans Tiedemann.

Along the way, Isaac experienced more disturbing hallucinations from his dementia, most notably apparitions of Nicole. Eventually, Isaac made his way through the Sprawl's Church of Unitology to Daina's location, only to find out that she was a devout Unitologist fanatic sent to capture him. It became clear that, as well as being forced to survive the Necromorph onslaught, Isaac was also caught in the middle of a growing conflict between the Earth Government and the Church of Unitology. Both sought to possess Isaac because the Red Marker from the previous Aegis VII Incident had left the knowledge of how to build Markers in Isaac's mind. The Government was after that technology to study its effects and possibly develop it into a weapon, while Unitologist fanatics wished to build their own Markers in the interests of their faith.

Isaac was saved from capture by a Government gunship, which killed all Unitologists present, and forced Isaac into a maintenance hallway. There, Isaac was attacked by a massive Necromorph and, as he escaped, managed to destroy both his pursuers. Helpless, with no contacts or a feasible escape plan, Isaac was contacted by fellow test subject Nolan Stross. Isaac encountered Stross several times before, during which Stross revealed that he also encountered the Red Marker and was used to build new ones alongside Isaac. Stross informed Isaac there is a way to destroy the new Marker and guided him to its location. Along the way, Isaac encountered another survivor, Ellie Langford, who rejected his offer of help and absconded. Some time later Isaac was contacted by Ellie, who found Stross on her way towards Government Sector. Agreeing to work together and to keeping Stross alive, Isaac made his way to them. Despite several attempts by Director Tiedemann to thwart Isaac's efforts, including forcibly separating a portion of the Sprawl, Isaac, Ellie and Stross were still able to progress.

During this, Isaac discovered the recovered USG Ishimura, almost fully repaired, and was forced on board to use the gravity tethers to prevent the government section from drifting away from the Sprawl. As Isaac traveled the ship's halls, his hallucinations became more aggressive and frequent. Eventually, however, Stross' already weak mental state collapsed and he attacked Ellie, removing one of her eyes. The insane Stross later attacked Isaac, who was forced to kill him. Making his way to Ellie through a mining area, the Nicole apparition attacked Isaac and demanded why he held on to her memory. Isaac revealed that he was obsessed and riddled with guilt and grief because he convinced her to board the Ishimura in the first place, thus resulting in her death; thus, he could not let her go because she was the only thing in the world that still mattered to him. The Nicole apparition was seemingly satisfied with this answer, and revealed that "acceptance" was the final step in Isaac's recovery. Using a mining drill, Isaac and Ellie made their way to the Government Sector, where Ellie found a working gunship.

After a moment of contemplation, Isaac activated the gunship from outside, letting Ellie go alone. Assuring the heartbroken Ellie that she would be safe, Isaac kept going to the Marker's location. As Nicole's illusion guided Isaac to the Marker, he remained uncertain of his subsequent actions. He was also forced to evade Tiedemann's personal troops, but thwarted them by cutting the power to the sector and letting a horde of Necromorphs loose on the security force. Continuing his way to the Marker, Isaac came to a machine which was the subject of Stross' mental state. The machine activated the parts of Isaac's brain where the Marker code, along with his lost memories, were stored. At this period, the Necromorphs had already reached the Marker in numbers sufficient to initiate a convergence event.

Hunted by the deadly Ubermorph, Isaac was able to make his way to the Marker, where an angry and partially burned Tiedemann awaited him. After Isaac disarmed and killed Tiedemann, Nicole's apparition embraced him in front of the Marker and told him that he had to die, as the Marker had to inherit all of its creators to be complete or become annihilated in the Convergence taking the whole station with it. Isaac entered a state of limbo, in which he mentally managed to break free of the Marker's influence. As soon as Isaac regained sanity, he resigned himself to a bleak fate. This, however, was not to pass; Ellie was able to collect him by bursting through the roof of the room where The Marker was kept in the gunship Isaac sent her away in, as she escapes the collapsing Titan Station Isaac engages the thrusters on his suit and boosts to the ship moments before the whole sector collapses. Isaac, haunted by his past, expected all this to be another cruel hallucination; rather, all that sat beside him was a grateful Ellie.


After escaping the Sprawl, Isaac and Ellie ended up on the run from EarthGov. Despite having freed himself from the Marker's mental grip, however, Isaac was still suffering from the effects of the Marker, his mind containing the secrets to creating and destroying them. As such Isaac went into hiding and wanted no further involvement with the Markers. Isaac began a relationship with Ellie, but she wanted to seek out a way to stop the Markers and save mankind. Isaac refused to participate in Ellie's plans, feeling that he had been through more than enough, leading to their break up and estrangement, though Isaac still had feelings for her.


About three years after the destruction of the Sprawl, Isaac was hiding out in an apartment on the New Horizons Lunar Colony. After hearing a message from Ellie telling him that she was moving on and to take care of himself, Isaac was attacked and restrained by Sergeant John Carver. Captain Robert Norton explained to Isaac that they needed him to help them destroy the threat of the Markers. Isaac was resistant but relented when Norton revealed that Ellie had gone missing and grudgingly agreed to help them find her. While they were talking, Unitologists began attacking the colony's Marker facility. They then came under attack by The Circle, a militant Unitologist sect under the leadership of Jacob Danik. Along the way, Isaac discovered that Danik had been working to destroy Earthgov and has succeeded to the point that Norton and Carver introduced themselves as members of EarthGov's 'Last Battalion'. Isaac was briefly captured by Danik, who explained that he wanted to set the Markers free and forced him to watch the destruction of the colony's Marker test lab, unleashing the influence of the Marker onto the colony and triggering a Necromorph outbreak. After escaping Danik and making his way through the infected city, Isaac escaped aboard the USM Eudora with Norton and Carver.

While en route to Tau Volantis, the USM Eudora collided with mines in the debris field above the planet. Isaac quickly devised a plan to secure Rosen and Locke in an airtight room, then blowing it clear of the exploding Eudora with Isaac, Carver, and Norton close behind in suits. The crew managed to survive the hectic ordeal and board one of the abandoned ships, the CMS Roanoke. Isaac reunited with the crew of the Eudora and Ellie, who was revealed to be in a romantic relationship with Norton. The scientists working with Ellie on Tau Volantis,  Jennifer Santos and Austin Buckell, found a shuttle in good condition aboard the Roanoke, the CMS Crozier.


Isaac Clark
"You're suffering from a unique form of dementia, Isaac. Something you contracted on Aegis VII."

Even before the events of Dead Space, Isaac Clarke had strong resentment for Unitologists, an emotion that originated from the actions of his mother, who had spent the family funds on exploring the Unitology religion. After the events of Dead Space, this feeling would mutate into distrust and, ultimately, hate. Isaac enrolled in the electrical and mechanical engineering course, joined the Merchant Marines and focused on major shipping lines. Isaac then tried to find out where his father was, but he had been missing for quite some time and his personal files were kept classified by the Earth Government. Isaac loved Nicole deeply, as shown by his determination to find her amongst the infested USG Ishimura. Isaac was also heavily distraught after finding out that Nicole had committed suicide via Kendra.

Even three years later, during the events on the Sprawl, Isaac found himself unable to let go of Nicole, and was saddened and weakened by her continuous psychological presence. Fortunately, as Isaac traveled deeper into the Sprawl, he displayed strength against Nicole and was increasingly more willing to let go of her. Even so, Isaac was consumed with guilt over the death of Nicole, as he had encouraged her to take up a post on the USG Ishimura.

作为 C.E.C. 的工程师,艾萨克有极强的应变能力。他尤其擅长破解、修理和拆卸电子设备,并对高科技采矿工具和其他武器有着广泛的了解,这些都能在危险情况下为他带来优势。例如在蔓生城爆发期间,他拆除了医院里的一个动态治疗装置,取出其中的动态模块和自己的静态模块配合使用。当他试图帮助一名幸存者时,现场用手电筒和外科手术模块作出了一个临时的等离子切割器。艾萨克作为一名工程师近20年的职业和责任似乎也对他的体态造成了影响; 在整个游戏系列中,他走路和站立时有着非常明显的驼背。


艾萨克似乎对信标的信号有亲和性,他没有像大多数人一样被逼到杀人或自杀的疯狂状态; 相反,信标的失智症以幻觉的形式表现出来,通常是妮可 · 布伦南(Nicole Brennan)的幻觉,促使艾萨克完成更复杂的任务,以推进信标的进程。由于他的亲和性,信标3A 能够在他的大脑中植入代码和创造红色信标的蓝图。这些图纸被 Hans Tiedemann 用来在土卫六空间站上建造12号信标,Tiedemann 说艾萨克被信标接触的心智是项目中所有病人中“最纯粹”的。


  • Isaac Clarke is voiced and modeled after Gunner Wright in Dead Space 2, Dead Space 3 and Dead Space (2023).[6] Prior to this in Dead Space, Isaac's face was modeled after actor Max Shippee.[7] Although the player can clearly see Isaac's slightly battered face at the end of Dead Space, Isaac's visage can be glimpsed during the game's intro sequence; after the Kellion crash lands inside the Ishimura, the player can rotate the camera view around as Kendra and Hammond argue.
  • The name, "Isaac Clarke" pays homage to the world's renowned science fiction authors, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke.
    • Likewise, the names of his parents, Octavia Clarke and Poul Clarke are likely tributes to the esteemed sci-fi writers named Octavia Butler and Poul Anderson respectively.
  • In a 2021 interview with franchise producer and co-writer Chuck Beaver, it was revealed that the original story planned for Dead Space 3 during development of Dead Space 2 would have been the third chapter of Isaac's psychological journey. Featuring Isaac as an unreliable narrator alongside a "dark" version of himself, the story would have eventually led to Isaac leading the Brethren Moons to Earth due to being a "herald of the Markers" for having DNA compatible with the Marker signal. Dead Space 4 would have been a final confrontation at Earth, with Isaac "facing his destiny" and fighting against the Moons. According to Beaver, many of the elements from this original story were repurposed for the Awakened DLC.[8]
  • Isaac seems to be very mentally resilient. He suffered from three betrayals, the deaths of several allies, three years of mental torture on the Sprawl, constant peril in each installment and he is still capable of communicating socially with ease. Except in Dead Space 3: Awakened where he lost his sanity and went against Carver (who was also suffering from hallucinations) to try to slow him down because of the heavy dementia from the Brethren Moons.
  • According to the scales in the first Store that you came across in Dead Space 2, Isaac weighs 195lbs with his Patient Suit on. His weight rises from 195 to 255 pounds after wearing the CEC Engineering Suit.
  • Isaac's cameo in Dead Space 2: Severed is a wanted poster marking him as extremely dangerous.[10]
  • In Dead Space, Isaac holds his Plasma Cutter with one hand standing still while aiming. However, in Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3, he uses a two-handed grip.
  • In Dead Space 3, Isaac wears a flight jacket with a RIG attached, brown gloves and a shirt with an unknown logo with the words, "New Horizon" and "Hope". This is actually a stripped-down version of the Hacker Suit from Dead Space 2.
  • Nicole is not the only person that Isaac knew serving aboard the Ishimura. A comment in Isaac's "diary" (accessed via the Objectives tab in the Menu) that appears while he was on the Mining Deck implied his familiarity with some of the mining crew or even implied that he had been a crew member on the Ishimura at one time.[11]
  • It is revealed in the Extraction comic that Isaac strongly dislikes the Unitologists.[12]
  • In the PS3 version of Dead Space: Extraction, the trophy for completing the game on the Impossible difficulty is called "Isaac 2.0".
  • In Dead Space 2, Isaac canonically takes damage in only seven cases (the Slasher that pins him down in Chapter 1; being tossed out of the train car in Chapter 2; being slammed multiple times by the Tormenter in Chapter 5; being assaulted by a Drag Tentacle in Chapter 11; being thrown off the drill at the beginning of Chapter 13; being stabbed in the eye with the needle from the NoonTech Diagnostic Machine in Chapter 13 and being impaled twice from a Javelin Gun by Tiedemann in Chapter 15).
    • Interestingly, Isaac's gameplay health status only goes down in the first and last instances.
  • Isaac is one of the only eleven known survivors of a Necromorph outbreak with the others being Lexine Weller, Ellie Langford, Stefan Schneider, Tyler Radikov, Alejandro Borges, John Carver, Robert Norton, Isabel Cho, Nickolas Kuttner and Nolan Stross.
    • Isaac and Lexine Weller are the only two characters known to have survived both the events on Aegis VII and those on Titan Station.
    • Isaac is the only character to survive the events of all three major Necromorph outbreaks and is also the character responsible for stopping all three outbreaks.
  • Isaac has been likened to the character named Ellen Ripley from the Alien movies due to his surviving the outbreak despite a non-military background as well as the fact that he becomes a source of information on the creatures similar to Ripley.
  • Isaac is a playable character in the European "Death Edition" of Dante's Inferno.[13]
    • Additionally, Isaac is a playable character in the Skate 3 Free Skate Mode with the code, "deadspacetoo".
    • As part of the marketing promotion for Dead Space 2, Isaac Clarke is also available in Dragon Age II. The players could access the exclusive Ser Isaac's armor by using a one-time activation code supplied with Dead Space 2. This ended on March 31, 2012.[14]
    • He is also a playable character in the game, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale with his default appearance which was the Arctic Survival Suit. His rival in the game is Zeus from the God of War franchise.
    • Isaac was also planned to be featured in MySims Agents, but was removed before it was published as it was said by the MySims Agents concept artist named Genevieve Tsai, but there is still an Isaac Clarke costume that you can dress your character in. Isaac Clarke appeared in MySims SkyHeroes.[citation needed]
  • Throughout the series, Isaac shows unusual amounts of physical strength such as being able to dismember the Necromorphs with one or two swings with a weapon or by stomping on them. This is also exemplified when he effortlessly wields the heavier tools such as the Line Gun which weighs sixty pounds according to its bio-card.
  • At the beginning of the Awakened DLC, Isaac's left eye is no longer swollen from the explosion that he took earlier. Also, Isaac's suit still has its helmet intact, despite him ripping it clean off his face prior to the battle with the Moon. It is unknown how his suit was suddenly repaired without a Suit Kiosk and also how his wounds healed so quickly though this could simply be an oversight from the developers or an intentional decision given the DLC's hallucinatory themes.
  • Isaac seems to be resistant to many forms of damage that would normally incapacitate or kill a human. He can survive falls and otherwise fatal stabbings from the Necromorphs such as in the beginning of Dead Space 2 when he survives multiple stabbings from a Slasher while being pinned down. Near the end of the game, Isaac also survives taking a Javelin spear in the shoulder and another spear in his left hand from Hans Tiedemann before killing him. In Dead Space 3, he could survive multiple fatal gunshots as well as being thrown off a cliff.
  • Isaac and John Carver's masks are available in the game, Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel as one of the choices for the player's mask. Both franchises are published by Electronic Arts.



  1. 死亡空间2
  2. 2.0 2.1 背景调查
  3. 死亡空间: 撤离 (漫画)
  4. 死亡空间:坍塌]
  5. Youtube: Dead Space 2 E3 trailer (Daina: "Your dementia will kill you, but if you can get here, I can treat you.")
  6. IMDB: Gunner Wright
  7. Max Shippee on Reddit
  8. Dead Space interview with Chuck Beaver, Ben Swanson and Nick Braccia
  • Isaac's Log in Dead Space

